Crosshair Overlay Rust

2020. 3. 1. 09:02카테고리 없음

This is a very simple crosshair. It works on all fps games, on all resolutions. Creates a cross of green vertically and horizontally across the screen. I had trouble finding a script that worked, so I thought I might share it. I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR THIS SCRIPT. I found it on an ahk forum thread somewhere which I can't find.How to use:Download autohotkeySave this script in a file named 'crosshair.ahk' (can put whatever you want before.ahk)Double click that filepress ctrl + 0/ins on the num padwhen ingame and crosshair is centered press ctrl +. / del on the numpad to lock the crosshairlook for ';HOWTO: Change color' in the script to change the color'.

This is a very simple crosshair. It works on all fps games, on all resolutions. Creates a cross of green vertically and horizontally across the screen. I had trouble finding a script that worked, so I thought I might share it. I DO NOT TAKE CREDIT FOR THIS SCRIPT.

I found it on an ahk forum thread somewhere which I can't find.How to use:Download autohotkeySave this script in a file named 'crosshair.ahk' (can put whatever you want before.ahk)Double click that filepress ctrl + 0/ins on the num padwhen ingame and crosshair is centered press ctrl +. / del on the numpad to lock the crosshairlook for ';HOWTO: Change color' in the script to change the color'. As a side notice to users using STEAM, when using this you are eligeable for a VAC ban upon your STEAM account. So be aware.I highly doubt this. I doubt that vac detects and bans for use of ahk, without knowing that it was specifically used to cheat. And i know it doesn't do that because it would be invasive just like reading your emails to detect if you are committing crimes.

There would be a shitstorm in the p.c. Community.AHK Scripts are generally undetectable unless the script is obvious through input in the game such as anti-recoil showing nonhuman patterns of input. However this script has no sort of input on the game so I believe it IS UNDETECTABLE.However, if you can prove me wrong I would appreciate it because I don't want to get banned.

I was setting up recursion, and read up how the overlay functions were broken with the DX11 update. Which sucked because I wanted to use the crosshair overlay that it provided. However for those of you who would like to use a custom crosshair you can still do so, just without recursion or playclaw.You will need to run your game in 'Fullscreen Windowed' mode for this to work.Keep in mind that using this will NOT get you banned.

Crosshair Overlay Rust

It does not mess with any game files or mess with the memory of the game. It's a completely standalone program that just overlays an image on your monitor.There is a program called 'Custom Desktop Logo' that allows any image file to be displayed on your monitor above any program. Using this program you can use the image of any crosshair and display it over the game, allowing you to have any custom crosshair you'd like. This is useful for knowing exactly where the center of your screen is rather than just having a largely spaced out + for your crosshair.Download Link -When the program opens it will be minimized in your task bar, near where the clock is. To change settings right click and click settings.SETUPTo use any custom crosshair go into the file 'crosshairs' in the 'CustomDesktopLogoV2.1' folder. Create a new file and name it whatever you'd like, and drag the crosshair you want to use into that folder.

Aiming Reticle Overlay

Then open the program and click 'Change Image Folder' Then select the folder you put the crosshair you want to use in.Here are some examples of how it looks to use this.SundererThird Person - First Person -HarasserThird Person - First Person -Infantry - Sprinting -My crosshair -Settings shown -EDIT: If you like PlayClaw cool! Then this post isn't for you. This is for people who don't want to use a trial program or buy playclaw.

Go elsewhere with your unnecessary hate. Just trying to help.