Download Software Microsoft Office 2010 French Language Pack X64-xiso

2020. 3. 5. 06:48카테고리 없음

  1. Microsoft Office 2010 Free Download
  2. Install Office Language Pack 2010

. Note: IT professionals should refer to the IT professional resources section.Installation instructionsIf you have Microsoft Language Pack 2010, 64-bit Edition, do one of the following:. Use (recommended). Microsoft Update consolidates updates provided by Windows Update and Office Update into one location and enables you to choose automatic delivery and installation of high-priority updates. Install Service Pack for Language Pack 2010 (KB2460043) 64-bit Edition.


Microsoft Office 2010 Free Download

This was an image which has been deployed throughout the company and is on 100s of desktops. We're not sure exactly what the deal is what with was installed.What I did is I created an application with the Office 2010 X MUI (French) language pack. In there, I created 5 deployment types. 1 for each of the components detected in the registry.

Install Office Language Pack 2010

I superseded the lot of them to uninstall if they'redetected and replace with my Office 2013 SP1 Professional Plus deployment.Now when I check the AppDetect and Appenforce logs on the client, the uninstalls are happening, I'm in the process of deploying the latest with all 5 supersedence relationships to see if this thing gets cleared out.It's necessary because I then need to deploy the 2013 Language Pack and create the supersedence relationship with Office 2013 SP1 Professional plus to complete my deployment.